Not a new thought for me but a continuing one.
When one believes something so strongly that they live their live accordingly
A happening occurs in their life
Instead of grabbing hold of their belief
They throw it all away and start anew
Even though they knew the truth
How does one live with themselves?
How can you be genuine?
The finality is then "See, I got you"
The final act of revenge?
But who is really gotten?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My Sixtieth
I had the most awesome B party!! Kelli and Linda connived to bring Linda from Atlanta. Kelli took me to tea at 3 and then informed me that she had to go to the airport to get AJ's bag that he left from his flight in the am. Lo and behold who came out of the doors but my bestest friend, Linda. She flew out again the next day, we are going to see each other in 2 weeks in Mississippi. Then I get over my most excellent surprise and come home to think that I am having my yearly fondue dinner with family. I walk in the door and there are the Gurley's, Musselman's, Offenhartz's, Sanderson's and the O'Brien's. My wonderful husband planned a party for my 60th. It was superb!! Steve got me a sculpture of a foal playing with a corgy. What a day!!!!!! The only thing missing was Amie and Albert!!!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I finally did it!!
As I lay in bed after my second surgery on my right knee, I got on facebook. Amie and I were Skyping and she showed me how to get on and how to use it. I have been putting it off for some time now. It is the third day after my surgery, it hurts like heck and I'm loopy from all the drugs. This will be all worth it if my knees start working without pain! I have no idea why anyone would do plastic surgery for enhancement or beauty with the pain involved?????
Friday, October 30, 2009
Today is a great day
Today is the day I gave birth to my youngest daughter - happy birthday Amie who is now 23.
I was tagged
1. I was born in Beirut, Lebanon when it was called the Paris of the middle east.
2. My first 20 years of life were spent in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia where I had an idyllic life in a small town like in the movie "Now and Then".
3. When I was 19, my aunt pulled me aside to tell me I was of Jewish descent. That was a no no because my dad worked in an Arab country that does not recognize Israel.
4. When I was 18, I swam in a marathon for 13 straight hours, my legs were like spaghetti and my hair which was to my waist was green and one big knot.
5. My calling early in life was raising a family. I believe because of this we have two beautiful daughters inside and out who also picked amazing husbands and consequently we have an awesome granddaughter and I know more to come from our youngest daughter.
6. The truth of our faith came late in our lives which causes us to want this truth to be foremost in our children's lives and their children. Yahweh is One - the Scriptures and the Ruach Ha Kodesh is our only source through which we look for our knowledge.
7. Late in life we discovered the sea- the life and beauty underneath is spectacular.
8. Good and bad I am extremely organized and could easily be a ceo of a large company.
9. I love to knit - socks, wool covers for my grandbabies cloth diapers.
10. I am a grandmother and look forward to more babies.
2. My first 20 years of life were spent in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia where I had an idyllic life in a small town like in the movie "Now and Then".
3. When I was 19, my aunt pulled me aside to tell me I was of Jewish descent. That was a no no because my dad worked in an Arab country that does not recognize Israel.
4. When I was 18, I swam in a marathon for 13 straight hours, my legs were like spaghetti and my hair which was to my waist was green and one big knot.
5. My calling early in life was raising a family. I believe because of this we have two beautiful daughters inside and out who also picked amazing husbands and consequently we have an awesome granddaughter and I know more to come from our youngest daughter.
6. The truth of our faith came late in our lives which causes us to want this truth to be foremost in our children's lives and their children. Yahweh is One - the Scriptures and the Ruach Ha Kodesh is our only source through which we look for our knowledge.
7. Late in life we discovered the sea- the life and beauty underneath is spectacular.
8. Good and bad I am extremely organized and could easily be a ceo of a large company.
9. I love to knit - socks, wool covers for my grandbabies cloth diapers.
10. I am a grandmother and look forward to more babies.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We have a personal legend
Many of us struggle with sharing what we know as the truth. We are taught that we are to evangelize, our existence depends on showing the truth to others? Here are some thoughts from the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coehlo.
"When you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell others others of them, seldom are you believed." " When we know the treasure, we don't need to show it to anyone."
"Anyone who interferes with the personal legend of another, they will never discover their own."
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better. When we love everything around us it loves."
"No matter what I do on earth I will play a central role in the history of the world and not know it."
The word that comes to mind is humbleness. Yahshua told us to be as children. Those of us just in the beginning of having children - good advice. Keep your children humble and awed by His light. Keep your children free in thought as you can within Yahweh's boundries.
"When you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell others others of them, seldom are you believed." " When we know the treasure, we don't need to show it to anyone."
"Anyone who interferes with the personal legend of another, they will never discover their own."
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better. When we love everything around us it loves."
"No matter what I do on earth I will play a central role in the history of the world and not know it."
The word that comes to mind is humbleness. Yahshua told us to be as children. Those of us just in the beginning of having children - good advice. Keep your children humble and awed by His light. Keep your children free in thought as you can within Yahweh's boundries.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Life goes on even with change
What change is that? Our children have been living with us since their marriage in their own abode but downstairs from us. Now they are moving half way across the world to a new beginning. Personally, I am very excited for them because this is a great experience when you are young and without strings. But..... it it is bitter sweet for me as a mom, I won't see them on a regular basis, no trips to the tea house to sit and enjoy, no hot tub discussions, no meals to share. This will be a huge adjustment for me, I will just have to find a new way to have a relationship with them. Texts, Ichat on the computer and of course, e-mails. I may have to force myself to make a few trips over? I will pray for Yahweh to watch over them in their new adventure!!!!! I will pray for Yahweh to take care of my heart. I do love all my children and grandchild!!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Darn, He keeps giving me these revelations!!!
A week ago I received a message on my machine that someone was speaking on his new book - she wanted me to have the opportunity to know about it. Apparently, Yahweh wanted me to take this further..... because my thoughts went directly to what He my Abba would want from me. And then.... the Torah portion for last week spoke directly to His thoughts given to me which I will share. So...... my question is WHY DO WE LISTEN TO MAN?
We must go back in time, "but because of Yahweh loving you, and because of Him guarding the oath which He swore to your fathers, Yahweh has brought you out with a strong hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the land of Pharaoh sovereign of Mitsrayim."Deut. 7:8, because all Yahweh wanted from us was to trust in Him so He freed us from man and look where we are back to. But..... we were afraid and could not talk to Him directly, we asked to talk through Moshe. "Do not go after other mighty ones, the mighty ones of the peoples who are all around you, for Yahweh your Elohim is a jealous El"Deut. 6:14-15, "Then Yahshua said to him, "Go, Satan! For it has been written, 'You shall worship Yahweh your Elohim, and Him alone you shall serve.'" Matt. 4:10. That was the beginning of the end because we really believe that this need to listen to man is all for Yah not a form of worship. Well, after our Messiah died, man decided to give us priests through which to talk to Him. Then pastors, rabbis, then men who wrote books or made tapes when ALL He ever wanted was us alone with One asking, "And now, Yisra el, what is Yahweh your Elohim asking of you, but to honor Yahweh your Elohim to walk in all His ways and to love Him, and to serve Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being, to guard the commands of Yahweh and His laws which I command you today for your good?" Deut. 10:12-13
Some of us have come to the understanding that we are all priests and may speak directly with our Yahweh. We are doing "And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, and YOU shall impress them upon your children, and shall speak of them when YOU sit in your house, and when YOU walk by the way, and when YOU lie down, and when YOU rise up, "Deut. 6:6-7, inorder to "And you shall do what is right and good in the eyes of Yahweh, that it might be well with you, and you shall go in and possess the good land of which Yahweh swore to your fathers,"Deut 6:18. But.... we are still brainwashed into believing that we are falling short because the world does not hear our words. The revelation for me is this, "For this is good and acceptable before Elohim our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one Elohim, and one Mediator between Elohim and men, the Man Messiah Yahshua." 1Tim. 2:3-5, "The voice said, "Cry out!" and he said, "what do I cry?" "All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. "Grass shall wither, the flower shall fade, when the Spirit of Yahweh has blown on it! Truly the people is grass! "Grass shall wither, the flower shall fade, but the Word of our Elohim stands forever." Isa. 40:6-8.
It is NOT IMPORTANT that man hears me or anyone else. Our listening and conversations ONLY needs to be one-to-ONE.
But know this,"Brothers, if anyone among you goes astray from the TRUTH, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the straying of his way shall save a life from death and cover a great number of sins." James 5:19-20
DO NOT LISTEN TO ME - on your own, go to His Word and ask!!!!
In Yahshua's Name,
Grandma Cribley
We must go back in time, "but because of Yahweh loving you, and because of Him guarding the oath which He swore to your fathers, Yahweh has brought you out with a strong hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the land of Pharaoh sovereign of Mitsrayim."Deut. 7:8, because all Yahweh wanted from us was to trust in Him so He freed us from man and look where we are back to. But..... we were afraid and could not talk to Him directly, we asked to talk through Moshe. "Do not go after other mighty ones, the mighty ones of the peoples who are all around you, for Yahweh your Elohim is a jealous El"Deut. 6:14-15, "Then Yahshua said to him, "Go, Satan! For it has been written, 'You shall worship Yahweh your Elohim, and Him alone you shall serve.'" Matt. 4:10. That was the beginning of the end because we really believe that this need to listen to man is all for Yah not a form of worship. Well, after our Messiah died, man decided to give us priests through which to talk to Him. Then pastors, rabbis, then men who wrote books or made tapes when ALL He ever wanted was us alone with One asking, "And now, Yisra el, what is Yahweh your Elohim asking of you, but to honor Yahweh your Elohim to walk in all His ways and to love Him, and to serve Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being, to guard the commands of Yahweh and His laws which I command you today for your good?" Deut. 10:12-13
Some of us have come to the understanding that we are all priests and may speak directly with our Yahweh. We are doing "And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, and YOU shall impress them upon your children, and shall speak of them when YOU sit in your house, and when YOU walk by the way, and when YOU lie down, and when YOU rise up, "Deut. 6:6-7, inorder to "And you shall do what is right and good in the eyes of Yahweh, that it might be well with you, and you shall go in and possess the good land of which Yahweh swore to your fathers,"Deut 6:18. But.... we are still brainwashed into believing that we are falling short because the world does not hear our words. The revelation for me is this, "For this is good and acceptable before Elohim our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one Elohim, and one Mediator between Elohim and men, the Man Messiah Yahshua." 1Tim. 2:3-5, "The voice said, "Cry out!" and he said, "what do I cry?" "All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. "Grass shall wither, the flower shall fade, when the Spirit of Yahweh has blown on it! Truly the people is grass! "Grass shall wither, the flower shall fade, but the Word of our Elohim stands forever." Isa. 40:6-8.
It is NOT IMPORTANT that man hears me or anyone else. Our listening and conversations ONLY needs to be one-to-ONE.
But know this,"Brothers, if anyone among you goes astray from the TRUTH, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the straying of his way shall save a life from death and cover a great number of sins." James 5:19-20
DO NOT LISTEN TO ME - on your own, go to His Word and ask!!!!
In Yahshua's Name,
Grandma Cribley
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Follow precisely and you will be blessed even though you will falter, our Father always gives us another chance. But...... remember for those of you who only believe in the New Testament, His laws are for everyone, 'Jew or Gentile,' and their generations and you must look to Moshe's words to know ALL His commands.
Follow precisely and you will be blessed even though you will falter, our Father always gives us another chance. But...... remember for those of you who only believe in the New Testament, His laws are for everyone, 'Jew or Gentile,' and their generations and you must look to Moshe's words to know ALL His commands.
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Tree of Life
For mothers day this year, my daughter Amie gave me a pendant of the tree of life. Kelli my other daughter is on a quest to start a non-profit 'plant a tree' called Trees of Life Charity. I do not believe in coincidence - so this led me to a study on the tree of life. The circle of life, so to speak. We are a part of this cycle and I hope to plant seed to anyone who will hear what Yahweh has to say in His Word.
The tree of life is given to man in Genesis 2:9. Man disobeys Yahweh. In Genesis 3:22 man eats from the tree of good and evil so..... the tree of life is now protected so man does not eat from the tree of life as man will be like Yahweh. The tree is protected by a flaming sword which turns every WAY, to GUARD THE WAY of the tree of life.
- Yahweh tells us to guard his commands, statues and His Feast Days
- Yahshuah is THE WAY
If you read Proverb 3:15-18, you see that WISDOM is what we must attain through UNDERSTANDING in order to take hold of the tree of life. Proverb 3:1 - "Do not forget my Torah, let your heart watch over my commands"
- Again, Yahshuah is THE WORD and THE WORD is Torah
Proverb 11:30 - When we live the Torah, we receive the fruit and we become righteous and then we achieve the tree of life.
Proverb 13:12 - The longing (faith) we have is the tree of life not the expectations.
Proverb 15:4 - When we learn to use our voice in love, we have the tree of life.
Revelation 2:7 - When we are WITH EL, we will eat from the tree of life, His kingdom here on earth.
Revelation 22:2&14 - When the 12 tribes come together, as in the prophecy, the tree of life shall be theirs.
Simple put - If we obey Yahweh by loving and understanding His Torah, we will be given the tree of life.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
It is the middle of April and we are having the worst snow storm this winter. We can't have it in December, January, February or even in March, no it has to come to us when leaves are on the trees and crocus's have popped up. Thank you Colorado for your diversity!!
Now, on to a what I have recently learned about the justice system. Basically it is without common sense, only worried about the lawyers and judges and very rude.
This year I have personally had two completely different dealing with the justice system. One was a divorce and the other criminal. (Neither myself or my family is involved). To make this short, there are children involved in the divorce but the courts are more concerned with winning and not being over turned so the children draw the short straw. Let us not offend or have a definitive answer because that would be too easy. Let us not follow the Torah as that again is too easy and clear and is just. The people who have not asked for interference in their lives are being totally controlled and not in a way that is best for them. Surprise, Surprise! Then, I get to experience the criminal courts. What a disgrace to those of us on the outside. What you have is a court room filled with 6-12 lawyers for different cases discussing the cases between the DA and the defense lawyers, all at the same time. Imagine, this is not done privately in a small room between two sides, no, this is done in the court room with a dozen lawyers standing around talking between themselves WHILE the judge is hearing one of the cases. AND, the families from the 10 cases waiting to be heard are sitting down in the court room not being able to hear anything going on because the lawyers have decided to do their business on THAT DAY, not before and IN THAT COURT ROOM, not in a private room. It was utter chaos and I viewed it as RUDE, RUDE AND MORE RUDE.
It is no wonder that our world is upside down in our justice system but Yahweh prophesied that our world would be just that.
Lesson to be learned: Do not do anything in your life that requires using the justice system!!!
now on to what is really important, playing uno with Tara on this snowy day.
Now, on to a what I have recently learned about the justice system. Basically it is without common sense, only worried about the lawyers and judges and very rude.
This year I have personally had two completely different dealing with the justice system. One was a divorce and the other criminal. (Neither myself or my family is involved). To make this short, there are children involved in the divorce but the courts are more concerned with winning and not being over turned so the children draw the short straw. Let us not offend or have a definitive answer because that would be too easy. Let us not follow the Torah as that again is too easy and clear and is just. The people who have not asked for interference in their lives are being totally controlled and not in a way that is best for them. Surprise, Surprise! Then, I get to experience the criminal courts. What a disgrace to those of us on the outside. What you have is a court room filled with 6-12 lawyers for different cases discussing the cases between the DA and the defense lawyers, all at the same time. Imagine, this is not done privately in a small room between two sides, no, this is done in the court room with a dozen lawyers standing around talking between themselves WHILE the judge is hearing one of the cases. AND, the families from the 10 cases waiting to be heard are sitting down in the court room not being able to hear anything going on because the lawyers have decided to do their business on THAT DAY, not before and IN THAT COURT ROOM, not in a private room. It was utter chaos and I viewed it as RUDE, RUDE AND MORE RUDE.
It is no wonder that our world is upside down in our justice system but Yahweh prophesied that our world would be just that.
Lesson to be learned: Do not do anything in your life that requires using the justice system!!!
now on to what is really important, playing uno with Tara on this snowy day.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Go Back to Simpler Times
We swam with sharks, saw a giant manta ray, a giant turtle and many more of Yahweh's underwater sea creatures. The boat was very comfortable, an awesome chef who took the 850 calories we lose a dive and put double back on. The people we met were a nice group from all over the U.S. and Canada. The crew took great care of us throughout the trip. We did 18 dives over the course of 6 days. Whew, that was work out of the water but effortless in the water.
What we learned while on Paradise Island
We realized how important it is to live, LESS IS MORE!! We noticed the way families have to be entertained now, something active all the time. We walked through Atlantis, a very large, expensive ornate hotel, while we waited to go to the airport. There were 35 restaurants and many more shops in the hotel and much more outside by the docks where all the many yachts were parked and being kept clean incessantly by workers. There were movies, game rooms, events to keep your children busy and who knows what else. Mothers sticking pacifiers in the mouth when their food came, pacifiers in the mouths of walking toddlers????
WE NEED to get back to LESS IS MORE. Don't entertain your children, let them entertain you by just being themselves - interact with them. Don't shut them up with plugs, let them find a natural way to soothe. Don't put on the movie in the car, talk to them - you have their undivided attention and you can have great conversations!!!! Don't go to a vacation spot that does everything for you including entertaining your children. Mingle with the people who live there, learn about them and let them learn about you.
GET BACK TO WHAT LIFE CAN BE FOR YOU without all the outside stuff.
I'm just being a grandma who wants better for my children, their spouses and their children.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Steve and I are off to play with sea creatures in the Bahamas. We have been blessed to be able to go on our first live- aboard. For a week we will be on a large ship but only two dozen divers. We will be able to dive about 5 times a day including night dives. No dragging our stuff to the boat and off and back to where ever. I'll post our adventures when we return.
Now, on to what I have been thinking about for some time. I saw a story about a young girl who was mentally handicapped, stunted in her abilities just because she was not nurtured as a babe and continually ignored til her early teens. She was unable to walk, eat by herself, was in diapers. Yet, there were times she just sat and rocked. I got to thinking how rocking can be soothing. She seemed to find solace in her rocking and who is our Rock - Yahshua. She may not have been nurtured by human touch but was she rocked in the arms of a Messenger? The Hebrew root word for rock is tsur which has a meaning of refuge. We are the children of Yahweh and our children are given to us as surrogates for Him. So.... if the children are in the hands of unloving parents, does he rock them? Go to 1Corinthians 10:4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed,and the Rock was Messiah.
Yahweh's children are ours - it is our responsibility to be watchmen for all the lost children.
Now, on to what I have been thinking about for some time. I saw a story about a young girl who was mentally handicapped, stunted in her abilities just because she was not nurtured as a babe and continually ignored til her early teens. She was unable to walk, eat by herself, was in diapers. Yet, there were times she just sat and rocked. I got to thinking how rocking can be soothing. She seemed to find solace in her rocking and who is our Rock - Yahshua. She may not have been nurtured by human touch but was she rocked in the arms of a Messenger? The Hebrew root word for rock is tsur which has a meaning of refuge. We are the children of Yahweh and our children are given to us as surrogates for Him. So.... if the children are in the hands of unloving parents, does he rock them? Go to 1Corinthians 10:4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed,and the Rock was Messiah.
Yahweh's children are ours - it is our responsibility to be watchmen for all the lost children.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
sleepless in colorado
Alas, another sleepless night. I wonder if it is the full moon? Maybe I should stop trying to sleep and give in to the desire to howl? I have tried to deep breathe, empty my on going brain, count sheep, drink milk what can be left? There is always looking forward to when this ends and I return to good sleeping. Could it be that sleeping is overrated? It is a very lonely time when the house is quiet, not even the husband snoring. Or the dogs. Farewell again as I try again.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I thank my Elohim for these changes as only He has allowed me to open my eyes to complete these changes and to see the changes in others. Of course, this all is on going in my life. But, because He is great I am constantly given confirmations, sometimes in the strangest ways.
His greatest gift is children as they give us such wisdom just by watching and listening. An example; my daughter and son-in-law were very typical young adults living their life in a good and excellent way but..... they were still in that place of me, me, me. Then Yahweh gives them a gift, Samantha, who entirely changes who they used to be. Now, they are parents caring for a little one totally dependent on them and they on each other for comfort and support. Wow, a miracle begets a miracle. He is awesome! Samantha is blessed having the loving parents she has, infact when I look at her I think of the children that are not being nurtured as she is being loved, this breaks my heart but there is a plan. I pray that all will treasure the gift given to them.
As a mother, I am very blessed with both my daughters, we are able to talk to each other and safely express ourselves. It is not that it may take more than a moment to hear the other and that passion creeps in, but much sooner than later, we hear each other and are able to move on in a loving way.
My one daughter has medical issues, diabetes, and more has arisen such as a blood clot in the brain. As we all want to ask, why me? That is something that may not be answered or you can find an answer through all the tribulations. When she was in the hospital with the clot she asked my why? What came to my mind was, " You are in icu but because the good doctors found this early on, you were in here coherently and walking. You were not in any pain. Could it be that those good nurses and doctors were always dealing with dying and or very grouchy patients and you were a light for them for those three days? You were courteous, kind and loving towards them and maybe they needed a light in what can seem like darkness." I don't know what lies ahead for my daughter but I know that she is a blessing to me and others. Amie found her love early on and for this I am grateful as she was cared for by her parents and now her husband has taken over and I FEEL SAFETY FOR HER.
Last but not least, my husband for 33 years. Together we raised two beautiful daughters and many animals were loved by us. He is a psalms 1 man to the utmost. We are like minded in the scriptures, what a blessing we have in our same beliefs. He loves me and I love him.
My life has changed because I opened my heart , saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. I was living a lie handed down through centuries but not now. Praise Yahshua He is my Salvation.
His greatest gift is children as they give us such wisdom just by watching and listening. An example; my daughter and son-in-law were very typical young adults living their life in a good and excellent way but..... they were still in that place of me, me, me. Then Yahweh gives them a gift, Samantha, who entirely changes who they used to be. Now, they are parents caring for a little one totally dependent on them and they on each other for comfort and support. Wow, a miracle begets a miracle. He is awesome! Samantha is blessed having the loving parents she has, infact when I look at her I think of the children that are not being nurtured as she is being loved, this breaks my heart but there is a plan. I pray that all will treasure the gift given to them.
As a mother, I am very blessed with both my daughters, we are able to talk to each other and safely express ourselves. It is not that it may take more than a moment to hear the other and that passion creeps in, but much sooner than later, we hear each other and are able to move on in a loving way.
My one daughter has medical issues, diabetes, and more has arisen such as a blood clot in the brain. As we all want to ask, why me? That is something that may not be answered or you can find an answer through all the tribulations. When she was in the hospital with the clot she asked my why? What came to my mind was, " You are in icu but because the good doctors found this early on, you were in here coherently and walking. You were not in any pain. Could it be that those good nurses and doctors were always dealing with dying and or very grouchy patients and you were a light for them for those three days? You were courteous, kind and loving towards them and maybe they needed a light in what can seem like darkness." I don't know what lies ahead for my daughter but I know that she is a blessing to me and others. Amie found her love early on and for this I am grateful as she was cared for by her parents and now her husband has taken over and I FEEL SAFETY FOR HER.
Last but not least, my husband for 33 years. Together we raised two beautiful daughters and many animals were loved by us. He is a psalms 1 man to the utmost. We are like minded in the scriptures, what a blessing we have in our same beliefs. He loves me and I love him.
My life has changed because I opened my heart , saw with my eyes and heard with my ears. I was living a lie handed down through centuries but not now. Praise Yahshua He is my Salvation.
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